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metadata.dc.type: Article
Título: Why and how is China reordering the food regime? the Brazil-China soy-meat complex and COFCO´s global strategy in the Southern Cone
Autor: Wesz Junior, Valdemar João
Escher, Fabiano
Fares, Tomaz Mefano
Resumen: Chinese agricultural investments in the Southern Cone and theBrazil-China soy-meat complex are playing a pivotal role in theinternational reordering of the contemporary food regime.China’s neo-mercantilist strategy, as exemplified by COFCO,carries elements of both continuity and rupture with this process.With an assertive yetflexible strategy, COFCO has adapted toChina’s internal requirements, the specificities of host countries,the geopolitical tensions with the US, and global competitors’corporate power. COFCO’s strategy reflects the successful Chineseintegration into the capitalist world system and the pursuit of aself-reliant food security policy by setting its own terms for globalagribusiness engagement.
Palabras clave: China
Soy-meat complex
Southern cone
Food regime analysis
Editorial: Routledge
Citación: WESZ JUNIOR, V. J. ; ESCHER, F. ; FARES, T. M. Why and is China reordering the food regime? the Brazil-China soy-meat complex and COFCO´s global strategy. The Journal Peasant Studies, v. 48, n. 7, 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03066150.2021.1986012. Disponível em:https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1080/03066150.2021.1986012?needAccess=true&role=button
URI: https://rima.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/20.500.14407/8870
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Aparece en las colecciones:Publicações do GEMAP

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