Browsing by Author Wilkinson, John

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Author(s)
19-Oct-2016Brazil and China: the agribusiness connection in the Southern Cone contextWilkinson, John; Wesz Junior, Valdemar João; Lopane, Anna Rosa Maria-
A economia política do complexo soja-carne Brasil-China.pdf.jpg2019A economia política do complexo soja-carne Brasil-ChinaEscher, Fabiano; Wilkinson, John-
The Brazil-China nexus in agrofood what is at stake in the future of the animal protein sector.pdf.jpg29-Jul-2022The Brazil-China nexus in agrofood what is at stake in the future animal protein sectorWilkinson, John; Escher, Fabiano; Garcia, Ana-